to the 2019 Scholarship Winners!
Art Sauls Scholarship Winner
Trevor White

Trevor White is a senior at Hyde Park High School in Austin with a 3.62 GPA. He plans to attend Baylor University and major in Psychology and Education. He is an Eagle Scout, a member of Top Teens of America, a member of Jack and Jill of America. Trevor was a Broadway Bound Summer Camp Volunteer at the Carver Museum for several years and he was a member of the varsity football, basketball, and Track team. In addition, he was a member of the Drumline for the Band. Trever said in his essay, “My awareness of who I need to be as a productive member of society was enhanced because of childhood experiences, including participating as a young student every summer in Broadway Bound Summer Camp. With the confidence gained in Broadway Bound, I also auditioned for the lead tenor in my school’s competitive choir, where I earned the role all four years. If awarded the GWCA Scholarship, I will have the opportunity and financial assistance to achieve my goals while pursuing higher education.”
-From The Ambassador, Edition 7, Issue 2. p.1
Marisa Washington is a senior at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Austin with a 3.8 GPA. She plans to attend Michigan State University and major in Pharmacy. She is an active Girl Scout, a member of Jack and Jill of America, and was a Bridge Advisor and Peer Mentor for her school. Marisa was a Broadway Bound Summer Camp Volunteer at the Carver Museum for five years and she performed in her school’s production of Mulan and Treasure Island. She was a member of the varsity basketball and Track teams. She also received the President of the United State’s Volunteer Service Award for teens with over 100 hours of public service, for 3 consecutive years. Marisa said in her essay, “The arts have always been in my life since I was a little girl. I grew up singing in the youth choir at my church and in middle school I was in the women’s ensemble. Volunteering at the Broadway Bound camp I get to experience acting and teach theater. Overall, the arts allows you to truly express yourself and not hold back on anything.”
-From The Ambassador, Edition 7, Issue 2, p.1
Bernadette Phifer Scholarship Winner
Marisa Washington