George Washington Carver Ambassadors
Furthering the Carver Museum's Mission of Supporting African and African American Traditions, History, and Culture
Who We Are
Coming Together and Making a Difference in Our Community
For close to 20 years, George Washington Carver Ambassadors, Inc. has provided support to the George Washington Carver Museum by offering volunteer services, financial support, and collaboration on programs and events.

What We Do
— We Fund
We host annual fundraisers to help financially support projects, programs, and community events at the museum.
— We Donate Art
We have commissioned and purchased art for the Carver Museum’s collection.
— We Sponsor Events
We help sponsor annual community events such as the Silver Bell Social and Santa Special.
— We Educate
We provide scholarships to college bound students in the surrounding community.
— We Volunteer
We work as volunteers at the museum such as being museum docents
— We Consult
We have worked as consultants at the Genealogy Center.
News & Updates
Upcoming Events

JAN 16
Monthly Ambassador’s Meeting
6:00 pm – 8:00pm